Wednesday 15 February 2017

Lab 4: White balance





Out of the 7 white balance settings, these three came out the most neutral. Although custom is a little on the warm side, it was way less warm compared to most of the others in my opinion. Also, the images are much darker because of the lack of natural light from having the window light as the main light source.


The colours in this one are pretty neutral. there is a bit of pink in here, but it works with the image

This wasn't suspected, but the overall colour becomes more warm with the shade mode. Also, the shadows are less apparent than the ones in the top image.

This setting is a blue-ish colour cast in order to make the warm, yellow lights of the indoor lights seem more neutral. It may be a tad too blue in this case because the daylight outside overpowers the indoor lighting.


I chose this setting because the image is abnormally pink. Although it is a bizarre concept, it is my favourite image. The pink colour cast is there to make a fluorescent scenario more neutral, but since there is no fluorescent lighting in this image, it is very pink.

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